Ask yourself, “Why do I allow Fear to control my mind?”
Is it because you feel helpless to Fear? That Fear is a force outside of yourself that you cannot control?
The truth is, you are not a subservient to Fear; Fear is your slave.
The only way to stop allowing Fear to dominate your life is to realize that Fear has no power to control you.
You see, Fear is only one half of the energy force, the destructive side, known as “God,” and you will NEVER eliminate it, as it is eternal - All you can do is cease scooping it up from the ‘Divine Buffet’ and putting it onto your plate (your mind). But even that perspective isn’t enough.
Until you remember the ultimate truth of who you are, you will see yourself as helpless and weak against ‘an outside force;’ you will continue to struggle and fight against Fear, which only strengthens its hold on you. Truthfully, this ‘struggle and fight’ within your mind is the struggle to accept your true nature. Once you make peace with that, it’s game over!
When you genuinely understand and live from the perspective that God and you are one (because only God exists), you realize that Fear has no power over you because it is you; it cannot control you, force you, or make you choose it – it is simply an option, and it can only offer itself as a way of experiencing life, though that life will be one of watching your dreams continuously be destroyed right before your eyes; it is the choice of curses, hell, darkness, and the destroyer of dreams, and why would you consciously choose that?
The “Who Am I?” soundtrack/SYP Course Syllabus is available on Apple Music: